Construction Clean Partners completes post construction cleanup throughout the United States and Canada. Here are the 700+ projects we helped turn over to an owner:  the customer is always a commercial general contractor.

construction cleanup references

The above table of our construction references is updated daily, CONSTRUCTION CLEAN PARTNERS earns performance contracts from commercial general contractors.  CCP submits bids for projects in pre construction bidding phase and closer to completion.  CCP uses the plans or a site visit to confirm a price to submit.  We have a list of active projects that we have submitted quotes for at least half.

The above awarded construction clean contracts have all been won with the same strategy.

  1. Find a project
  2. Takeoff the size of building and location
  3. Identify the project manager and superintendent
  4. Make a site visit
  5. Submit a proposal
  6. Follow up with project manager for award notice

The cleaning companies that compare to our number of awarded wins are all large franchise companies such as ServPro or local market leaders like CleanStar National.