
2021 Construction cleanup Equipment guide

To make money in the Post Construction Cleaning business, besides needing the right people, you also need the right equipment. 

The right equipment will help make your work easier, faster, and productive. Plus the added effect of making you look knowledgeable in the presence of the Project Manager.

For most Projects, the cleaning scope will determine the equipment you need to bring to the job site. You would look funny if you bring …..

Equipment Guide revision


The list is definitely not exhaustive but a good guide especially for cleaning companies that are just starting out. No, you don’t need to buy everything as many tools can be outsourced. 

However, it is a smart move to have as much as you can. You will save cost and avoid any uncertainties that come with renting equipment in places you may not be familiar with.

Another important set of cleaning equipment is the Heavy Equipments. These equipments are called heavy because, well, they are heavy.

They include but not limited to,

  • Scissors Lift ( For multi level facilities)
  • Sludge extractor
  • Pressure washer
  • Vapor steam cleaner